
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Great Hatchling Hunt level 6 - where to go?

Hello Dragon Ladies and Lords! In my  post about level 4 of ongoing castle event  I have explained why is minimizing the expected value of key finding cost important. If you haven't read it, you should do it before reading this post. Now, the level 6 is different from previous levels for two reasons: finding key at level 6 will not increase your Egglets pool and there is only one way to get to every chest (not counting possibilities to go around battles). Because of that, optimizing this level isn't so important as it was for previous levels. However, if you aren't sure if you will complete the event, it's still worth to follow the recommended routes. It will give you higher chance of obtaining Petal if you aren't sure if you will be able to open all the chests at level 6. Also, all chests prize (Princess in this case) pieces from castle events are sometimes available in special card packs (purchased for gems) after the event ends. There is no official informat

The Great Hatchling Hunt level 5 - where to go?

Hello Dragon Ladies and Lords! In my  previous post  I explained what is the best order of opening chests in castle event and why is minimizing the expected value of key finding cost is better than minimizing total cost of route. I will not post this explanation again, so if you don't understand why does it even matter, go to my previous post.  Today I'm showing best routes for level 5 of ongoing event with calculation. Once again huge thanks go to Silent Grey Eminence for creating the program that calculated best routes and to  DML Wiki  team for posting the map with tiles costs so that making the calculations was possible. There were 1440 different routes possible for this map and 2048 different possible costs for each route depending on which battles you were able to win. Once again I had to simplify it, so I made the following assumptions: Every player is able to win the battle that allows you to bring any dragons      (if you can't win this battle

The Great Hatchling Hunt level 4 - where to go?

Hello Dragon Ladies and Lords! Today's post will be about choosing your path at level 4 of ongoing castle event. Now, as the wonderful DML Wiki team has already posted costs and elements needed for battles  here , you are most likely able to calculate on your own, which way you should go for minimum total cost of opening all the chests. However, total cost isn't most important here. As it is level 4, with 400 Egglets pool, your main goal should be obtaining the key to move to next level, which will provide you with higher Egglets pools and will help you to progress the event faster. Of course, you can't know which chest contains the key, as it's random, but you can consider the  expected value  of Egglets cost for obtaining the key in different orders of opening chests and different path. Now, considering path and order choice, there are 2880 different options, so it's quite a lot and I can't imagine ordinary DML player who would calculate expected value of cos

26 March - 2 April 2018 Dragon of the Week review: Sweet Treat Dragon

Hello Dragon Ladies and Lords! Welcome to the review of this week's Dragon of the Week: Sweet Treat Dragon. This article will provide you with information about breeding (also in context of ongoing castle event), potential usage of Sweet Treat in battles, breeding and leveling up temples, gold generating and finally, will help you decide if you should try to get it for yourself. So, let's start. Breeding    Graphics from official DML Facebook information  Although current Dragon of the Week is still  Hippie Dragon , Gameloft has already reveled Sweet Treat as next week's Dragon of the Week with Cloud Dragon and Geiger Dragon as parents. This combination isn't really hard and most of advanced players already have both of the needed dragons. For a new player, it shouldn't be a problem as well - almost everyone gets Cloud Dragon pretty early, as it's wind-water combination, and Geiger, who could be problematic because of the energy element, is common, so wi

19-23 March 2017 Farmic Fanatic top leaderboard prize: Envy Dragon

Hello Dragon Ladies and Lords! Welcome to the review of top leaderboard prize in ongoing Farmic Fanattic event: the Envy Dragon. This article will provide you with information about obtaining, potential usage of Envy in battles, breeding and leveling up temples, gold generating and finally, will help you decide if you should try to get it for your own. So, let's start! Obtaining    Envy's egg Envy Dragon is top leaderboard prize in Farmic Fanatic event and only ten best players from five thousands player group will get it. This means only 0,2% players will get it in this event! You can increase your chances of getting Envy Dragon in following ways: Plant most expensive food you can afford, even if it means running out of gold that you've been saving. Just make sure it will be ready to harvest before the event ends! Explore the ruins. There is a chance you will get some food or shard for Chronosian seal. Use your Chronos whenever it's ready or the Chronos

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