July Dragon of the Month speculations and some more news on the latest update and new divines

Dragon Mania Legends blog speculations about the upcoming Dragon of the Month: Deco or Darkfire
Hello Dragon Ladies and Lords! I have some news for you, both good and bad, on the latest update and the upcoming event announced by Gameloft. I have also made some speculations about upcoming Dragon of the Month. The reason why I did this is that we already know that new divines are coming to Dragonlandia and in both previous divine events, one divine was a Dragon of the Week, with the current Dragon of the Month as one of the parents. So, it would be great to get July Dragon of the Month quickly to have the whole week to breed a divine if the known scheme of breeding them will repeat. And the next Dragon of the Week will be the Butterfly Dragon that has been awaited by many, many players, so if you try to breed the Butterfly Dragon and then Gameloft reveals the element combination that points you also need to breed a dragon for a No. 1 combination, the situation will be very hard for you. To try to avoid this, you can take a look at the list I have prepared and try to obtain a dragon or two that you are missing during this weekend. So, let's start!


Another post with plenty of news, I feel like if I started working in a daily newspaper :D

Missing scroll battles because of the update

Dragon Mania Legends blog: a screenshot of official statement on the latest update
First of all, Gameloft has already made a statement on the most frustrating issue of the latest update: the removal of Daily Missions that were refreshing the side quests (aka scroll battles) on campaign map. The main sense of this statement is that we will get more side quests refreshing normally over time, just as I predicted in my previous post. There is no other information in that statement, but I really enjoyed the fictionalized way it was written, and if you want to read it as well, click the screenshot on the left to see a larger version (or go to the Forum). The new refreshes seem to work fine for many players, including myself (I only had problems the very first day after the update and now I get reasonable number of fights). However, some players still report too low number of side-quest refreshes and in another post Andras states that Gameloft is already working on optimal parameters, so soon it will be fine for everyone. However, I still recommend not to update your game if possible, as the issue of not enough battles may affect you. Why to loose some experience and food if you can just wait till the problem is finally solved for everyone? 

Breeding the Ares Dragon

Dragon Mania Legends blog: a screenshot from forum

Another thing that I want to say here so that everyone knows it: Ares isn't (and probably won't ever be) breedable. I know that his Codex entry says otherwise, but it's just a visual glitch. I'm putting another screenshot from official DML Forum as a proof so that you believe me. 

Dragon Mania Legends blog: just a random drawing with nonsense calligraphy
Just a random drawing with a nonsense calligraphy
for I had no idea what picture I could put in this text.
But it's Mort, isn't he cute? 
And you may now think "wait, if there is a glitch, maybe I can use it and breed bugged Ares before Gameloft fixes this". But you can't. It is visual glitch, let me explain a bit about how the games work. Neither phone/tablet/computer that you are playing DML on, nor Gameloft's servers understand English, German, Japanese, French or whatever language you have in your game. They only understand the programming language that Gameloft's developers use to create the game. So, to make the game able to communicate with you, they have to translate the instruction if the dragon is breedable, put the inscription "Breed this Dragon in Regular Breeding" in its Codex entry. So clearly, someone have made a mistake in the translation and your phone/tablet understood that it should put this inscription in Ares'es entry as well. But your device does not understand what this inscription means. And as it doesn't understand it, it won't follow it. The fact that this inscription appeared in your Codex means for actual breeding as much as it would mean if it was saying "the Knaster–Kuratowski fan is a connected topological space with the property that the removal of a single point makes it totally disconnected" or "chomik gra na ukulele ponieważ sarna kaszalot": nothing. That's why is it called visual glitch. So sorry to disappoint you :(

Next event confirmed not to be divine

Let me just quote two most important things mentioned by Andras on the upcoming event:

"We'll tell you everything you need to know about Habitat Extender Tokens before they appear in the game. It's closely connected to the coming events and therefore It's easier to explain them together with the new event type. So stay tuned!"

"The event starting from July 9 is not a divine event. However, it's gonna be super exciting too and I'll share all the info about it way in advance"

So, contrary to all expectations, the next event will not be a divine one! I'm so much surprised, aren't you? But I'm glad to hear this. I mean, there is going to be a divine event soon anyhow, otherwise Gameloft wouldn't add new divines to the game. Which means more exciting things: the events that will let us deal with the habitat shortages now and a divine event later. Isn't it great? :) I still believe that the divine event will take place in July, about July 23 I bet (this is just my guess!!! not any reliable information). But will the new divines really be Egyptian? Now I'm not sure. All we had to say that the new divines will be Egyptians was the name "Pyramid Update". But now we know that the next event isn't the divine one and that it will bring us new thing to make our habitats larger. So maybe "Pyramid" doesn't refer to the divines, but to this new thing with habitats? Maybe they would be arranged in something like a pyramid and that's why this update is called so? We need to wait and see! :)

July Dragon of the Month speculations

In the latest update, two new legendary dragons were added to the game: the Darkfire Dragon and the Deco Dragon. I couldn't find any official information from Gameloft if it is that announced new body type, but most people think so. The Wiki has already classified them as elongated-style dragons. But they aren't so much different from leonie-style dragons, are they? Well, let's wait and see the animations. None of them is a card dragon (we can check it at blank codex entries) and it is very likely that one of them will be the Dragon of the Month for June. 

Which one will it be? It's hard to say for sure. However, Deco having light and shadow elements seems such a stron dragon. If Gameloft gave us Deco as a Dragon of the Month, most players would get it and there would no longer be any point struggling with Enchanted Arena to get Sumo. That would be such a big deal. Would they do his? I don't think so. In my opinion, Deco would rather be the main prize for the upcoming event. I have a really stron feeling that it will be. 

Regardless what the Dragon of the Month will be, we will need to breed it. As we are having hard time breeding lately (events ongoing, highly desired Dragons of the Week with terrible combinations etc), planning ahead is really important now, so I took a very close look at the breeding combinations of previous Dragons of the Month. So, here's what I learned:

Only fire, wind, earth, water, plant and metal elements appear in the Dragon of the Month combination. Energy element has appeared once, years ago, but it seems that now Gameloft sticks only to the 6 first elements. But there are only 15 sets of four elements picked out of six. Furthermore, I have noticed that recently (I mean this year) every new combination have had only two elements in common with the previous one (it would be impossible to have only one element in common or be totally different if we are picking sets of fours out of six possibilities). And there are only 6 combinations that would only contain fire, wind, earth, water, plant or metal elements and wouldn't have more than two of fire, wind, plant and metal. They are:
  1. Dragon Mania Legends blog: fire element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: wind element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: earth element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: water element icon
  2. Dragon Mania Legends blog: fire element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: earth element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: water element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: plant element icon
  3. Dragon Mania Legends blog: wind element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: water element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: earth element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: metal element icon
  4. Dragon Mania Legends blog: wind element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: water element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: earth element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: plant element icon
  5. Dragon Mania Legends blog: water element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: earth element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: plant element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: metal element icon
  6. Dragon Mania Legends blog: fire element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: earth element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: water element iconDragon Mania Legends blog: metal element icon
I have put them in the order from the most to the least likely (in my very personal feelings) to be a combination for the Darkfire Dragon. No. 5 and 6. has already been combinations for DotM this year, so I don't feel like if they would appear again. Especially the No. 6, that has been the combination for Pixie Dot just two months ago, so I will ignore No. 6 in further analysis. As for No. 1 - 4, we can't be sure if the Darkfire actually will be the Dragon of the Month, not to mention Gameloft's reasoning when deciding about the combination, so it is very, very unknown and the order is just my very subjective opinion basing on what I think would fit the best the dragon that is called Darkfire and has a wind element. 

I have looked on what would be reasonable dragon pairs for each combinations and listed them. I only name one dragon of element set, although there are usually many dragons that can replace it. To make the list clear, I have picked most easy to get (usually just a normally - breedable) dragon for each case and ignored any combination that is technically possible but required one of limited-time dragons that we couldn't obtain lately. 
  1. Clownfish + Fire, Elemental + Wind, Prairie + Water
  2. Agave + Earth, Kitsune + Fire, Orange + Water, Elemental + Plant
  3. Black Armor + Water, Rust + Wind, Elemental + Plant
  4. Elixir* + Earth, Kitsune + Wind, Clownfish + Plant
  5. Coral + Earth, Rust + Plant, Kitsune + Metal
*Elixir is VIP only dragon

So, after taking a long look at that list I would say that the ranking of dragons being worth breeding this weekend is:
  1. Dragon Mania Legends blog: Clownfish Dragon icon Clownfish Dragon (if you don't have any of: GobblerRastafariSkaterTyphoon)
  2. Dragon Mania Legends blog: Elemental Dragon icon Elemental Dragon (if you don't have neither Cookie nor Quake)
  3. Dragon Mania Legends blog: Agave Dragon icon Agave Dragon (if you don't have any of: Cherry BlossomLiquid FireRedflowerSeahorseWooly)
  4. Dragon Mania Legends blog: Black Armor Dragon icon Black Armor Dragon
  5.  Coral Dragon 
  6. Dragon Mania Legends blog Elixir Dragon icon Elixir Dragon (if you are a VIP member of level 8 or higher and don't have any of: Go GreenNurtureSpringtimeSprite)
  7. Dragon Mania Legends blog: Orange Dragon icon Orange Dragon (if you don't have any of Armadillo, WerewolfChampionWardenPumpkin)
  8. Dragon Mania Legends blog: Rust Dragon icon Rust Dragon (if you don't have Terracotta)
Bolded Dragons in brackets are available through card packs, Rastafari is in the current Weekly Dragon Pieces and the rest are unlimited-time. So, it may be a wise idea to open some card packs (for clan coins) this weekend - but do not buy them for gems. If you for example get Rastafari or Cookie, you would have much higher chances of completing above list before the next week starts. 

Armadillo is a reward for Enchantment League, so trying your luck there would also be a good idea.

And obviously, pay attention to your dungeon, if you are lucky, maybe you'd get Kitsune Dragon! 


Baby Darkfire Dragon from DML blog by Vicia NocturnaToday's portion of news is really positive for me. Gameloft takes care of the issue I have been complaining lately and the next event isn't going to be a divine one, though we know there will be a divine event rather soon, which means double fun. I never believed the Ares breeding rumor, so I'm not sad about that. I have also speculated a bit about the upcoming Dragon of the Month - but please remember this was just my guessing on what seems most probable. Gameloft can always surprise us with something entirely different! But if you have some extra free time in your breeding den now and want to be prepared for the upcoming events, following my list seems the idea with highest probability of helping you. I also strongly recommend to start saving your food and gems instead of spending them now. You may need the gems for something really awesome during the event, it would be very frustrating if you won't get it because you have speeded up a breeding or something like that. And if there are battles with element restrictions either in the upcoming event or in the next divine event, it's better to feed your dragons when you know what elements you will need.

Please tell me in comments what do you think the next DotM will be and what elements will it require. Have a wonderful day at your Dragonlandia!


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